Sunday, October 19, 2008


The objective of this exercise is to research artists who deal with conflict or respond to conflict that is political, cultural or personal in nature. You will be asked to do a short presentation of your research.


1. The first part of this exercise is to research and identify one artist.

Post this research on your BLOG:
a. Artist Statement
b. 3 images
c. Name of Magazine/Periodical and book for research.

2. A short presentation of the artist will include.

a. 5-8 digital images of the artist’s work
b. Choose 1 image to describe using formal 2D language
c. Biographical information: who, where, when, why?
d. Method, style and form (work in general)
e. What is the Conflict? (Content of Work)

-10 minute presentations, 5 minutes for discussion, PDF or iphoto presentation.

-Images can be gathered from image databases, web searches and scanned material.
Provide research from on-line sources AND at least 1 1magazine or periodical and one book.

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