Tuesday, October 7, 2008


“Know the world is a mirror from head to foot…..” Bill Viola

Objective: The Objective of this exercise is to describe an image in the Karsh 100 exhibit at the MFA using 2 D principles and vocabulary.

Choose three images from the Karsh exhibit to describe:
Quebec City, 1952-53
Atlas Steel, Pouring Steel, 1950
Atlas Steel, Furnace, 1950
Vancouver, Plywood, 1952-53
Self Portrait in Garden Ball, mid-30s
Madge Macbeth, 1936
Sir Bertrand Russell 1949
John Helders, 1938
This is Rome, 1951

1. Answer these Questions (from The Critique Handbook)

a. Immediate Response-What are your immediate responses? (These are uncensored, irrational, un-self-conscious impressions of the work; what you notice first, what stands out.)

b. Objective Description-Describe the work to a blind person.

c. Formal Matters-Use 2d Principles and Vocabulary (Refer to Vocabulary list-use 4-6 minimum words)

e. The Story It Tells-Does the work tell a story?

f. The Work in the World-How does it connect to the rest of the world/art/history?

Guidelines: -1 page minimum response per photograph.
-Include Title of Photograph
-Typed and Spell Checked.

Due: Oct. 12
-Post One Response on blog.
-Two others typed: Hand in M Oct. 20

2 D Design Art Fundamentals Vocabulary:

Concept-Artist’s intention, meaning, themes, issues etc.
Subject-What is work about
Form-Artist’s use of 2d elements and principles

2D Elements
Line-a series of adjacent points, a connection between real or implied points
Actual Implied
Line Networks
Point in Motion

Shape-a flat, enclosed area created when a line connects to enclose an area
Use: Illusion, Non-Representation, Abstract

Value-the relative lightness or darkness of a surface

Texture-the visual or tactile quality of a form

Color-visual responses to different wavelengths of light
Hue-common name of the color
Value-the lightness or darkness of a color
Intensity-its purity or grayness
Temperature-warmness or coolness

2D Principles of Organization

Composition-combination of multiples parts into a unified whole

Harmony-repetition, rhythm, pattern, closure of visual links

Variety-factors of difference, contrast, counterweight to harmony

Balance-equal distribution of weight and force among visual units

Proportion-relative size of visual elements in an image

Dominance-importance of one aspect of the composition

Movement-use of deliberate pathways to direct attention to areas of interest

Economy-stating the most with the least

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